Hello guys, I am realesing an AQW Grabber made by Onclax. Onclax Grabber is a grabber who gets the items queries and files with automatic download just pressing one button! Are you tired of getting the items in Google Portable or some other shit? Enjoy the free version and get the maps, monsters and shops items for free. Give you private server a boost with a lot of AQW file.
Get Area: With this function you will be able to get current map files and monsters files/monster positions, all files are added to download queue.
Get Shop: With this function you will be able to get loaded shop items, all files are added to download queue.
Get Quests: With this function you will be able to get loaded quests query and rewarded items or required items depending of your configurations. (Premium version)
Get Hair Shop: With this function you will be able to get current gender hairs from loaded shop, all files are added to download queue. (Premium version)
Get Skills: With this function you will get all skills from your equiped class. (Premium version)
Load Shop: With this function you will be able to load a determined shop from given ID, then you can use the Get Shop button to get it’s data.
Load Quest: With this function you will be able to load a determined quest from given ID, then you can use the Get Quests button to get it’s data. (Premium version)
Get Players Files: With this function you will get the items from users in your current room and frame, it’s like AGP but the manual one. (Premium version)
ACR: This will change your room in X seconds (depending of your configurations). You will go to yulgar, battleon and battleontown. Should be used with AGP. (Premium version)
AGP: This will get all items files from users in your current room and frame, in X seconds (depending of your configurations). (Premium version)
Get Inventory: This function will get all items from your inventory, excluding quest items and house items. (Premium version)
Get Bank: This function will get all items from your bank inventory, excluding quest items. (Premium version)
Grabber: https://onclax.store/OnclaxGrabber2.0.zip
Flash: https://onclax.store/Flash32.0.zip thanks to IfOnlyYouKnew for this flash file go thanks him in https://www.mpgh.net/forum/showthread.php?t=1557033&s=b81699458fa25d1a7bd35ec4023c8d86
Grabber virus total checker: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/b08db1d6102dbb2de6d1c96475f590b45258eb81ae101967913a78f2bc346fe3?nocache=1
Flash virus total checker: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/f4f7905def44a9e5550e0aecd921b9dfc07be64481f329bc039a30adfc024577?nocache=1