- Syntax Highlighting for ActionScript, MXML, and JSFL files.
- IntelliSense completion for classes and interfaces, imports, properties, methods, and more.
- Signature Help shows a list of a function’s parameters when you call it.
- Errors and Warnings are updated in real time as you type (or on save only, if you prefer).
- Hover over a symbol to see more details such as types, namespaces, documentation, and more.
- Go to Definition with Ctrl+Click on any usage of a symbol to open the file where it is defined. Can be used to see the public API of classes from compiled .swc libraries too.
- Find All References for any symbol in the project across all source files.
- Rename Symbol for classes, interfaces, methods, and variables.
- Organize Imports sorts imports alphabetically, removes unused imports, and adds missing imports.
- Quick Fixes to add missing imports, generate missing variables or methods, or convert variables to getters/setters.
- Outline view lists all symbols from the current file in a hierarchical tree.
- Go to Symbol in Workspace with Ctrl+T and type the name of any symbol to search for it in the workspace.
- Build Tasks can compile a project or package an Adobe AIR app with Ctrl+Shift+B.
- Adobe Animate integration includes Test Movie, Debug Movie, and Publish.
- Import Projects from Adobe Flash Builder or FlashDevelop.
Download Visual Studio Code
Install extension
Search for AS3 and install AS3, MXML, and SWF Extension Pack.
Download AIR SDK
Download https://airsdk.harman.com/download and put somewhere inside a new folder.
Select AIR SDK
Now with your project folder open
Check the bottom right and click No SDK
Or press F1 and search:
ActionScript SDK
Now select the folder with the AIR SDK
Making the config
Make a new file with the name:
"compilerOptions": {
"source-path": [
"output": "bin/Main.swf"
"mainClass": "Main",
"animateOptions": {
"file": "Main.fla"
For more config check https://github.com/BowlerHatLLC/vscode-as3mxml/wiki/asconfig.json